….just one, but it takes a hundred visits! That might just be my favorite chiropractic joke! Most people laugh when they hear it because it hints at something they have wondered about but rarely ask their chiropractor: Why do I have to keep coming back to the...
Should I Apply Ice or Heat?
Such a seemingly simple question: Should I apply ice or heat. In my opinion, it is an easy one to answer, but I have heard so many different variations that I thought it would help to clarify the issue. Is Ice or Heat Better for My Pain? The majority of my patients...
How to Ensure Good Ergonomics When Working from Home
I have seen too many social media posts of people working from home during quarantine to stay silent any longer. I think many of us take for granted the ergonomics of our workstation at the office. Proper chairs with armrests, monitor height, keyboard placement,...
Is Nerve Interference Real?
One of the core assertions of chiropractic is that spinal dysfunction puts pressure on the nerves of the body and causes nerve interference with ill health as a result. (When we say spinal dysfunction, we mean errors in the normal motion or position of spinal bones,...
Re-Train a Spine with One Chiropractic Visit?
How many chiropractic visits does it take to fix your problem? Is just one chiropractic visit enough? How can you re-train your spine with just one spinal adjustment? You can’t. You re-train a spine over a period of weeks or months through repetitive re-training of...
3 Stretches to Help Relieve Neck and Upper Back Pain
Last week I showed you 4 stretches to help relieve lower back pain. Today, I want to demonstrate 3 of the best stretches for alleviating neck pain and upper back pain. Neck Pain Relief Stretches Demonstration...
4 Stretches to Help Relieve Low Back Pain
Often people will come into our office asking for stretches that can help relieve low back pain. What I help provide is a path towards more than just pain relief. I truly believe that four keys to longevity and quality of life are found in strength, flexibility,...